Using Tiled or Polycarbonate Conservatory Roofs - Which One is Better?

Among the many choices you will have to make when upgrading your conservatory, selecting an appropriate roof is one of them. For a long time, polycarbonate roofs have been popular, but now tiled ones have come up as a better alternative for conservatories with numerous advantages that can transform it into a beautiful and well-functioning living space. The below post explores why homeowners should opt for tiled conservatory roofs when they want to add value to their properties.


Key Benefit of Thermal Insulation

The excellent thermal insulation properties are an important advantage of a tiled conservatory roof. Conversely, polycarbonate roofs may mean you find it difficult to regulate the temperature; thus, they will not be effective in assisting in heat losses during winter and gains during summer. This ensures that you can enjoy your garden room without the worries of it being too cold or too hot throughout the four seasons.

A properly designed tile roof system like those provided by Smart Conservatory Solutions consists of several layers made of insulative materials having superior characteristics which allows it to keep your room comfortable and energy efficient all day long every season through the year and it further enhances comfort while reducing heating bills because you do not need constant cooling or heating in order to maintain temperatures at comfortable level. So, you can say goodbye to your conservatory only being usable for 2 or 3 months during the year! As now you’ll have a fully functional, balanced, and usable space all year round.

Design and Personalisation

Another reason why a tiled roof is the best thing for your conservatory is due to its unmatched appearance among other options available today. This makes them blend perfectly with the property’s existing design - unlike the polycarbonate roofs that often have no architectural ties with anything within their surroundings. Tiled roofing also matches any type of home whether modern or traditional homes thus enabling you to tailor it to suit your building style completely.

With various tile colours, finishes, and patterns being available, personalisation has no limits, and this lets you create a look that reflects your taste and enhances the curb appeal of your home. There are numerous choices from traditional terracotta to sleek grey slate, for example. Tiled roofs can also be designed in such a way that they include roof windows or skylights. They help you regulate the amount of sunlight which enters your conservatory resulting in a bright and breezy atmosphere.

Strength and Lifespan

When making an investment in a conservatory upgrade, you desire something that will stand the test of time. Tiled roofed conservatories are very strong and built to last. Unlike polycarbonate roofs that become brittle with age leaving them looking discoloured, tiled roofs resist weathering, fading and impact damages as well. This means that the room will continue to look stunning year after year even with little maintenance needed.

Tiled roofs for conservatories are designed to withstand extreme UK weather conditions. The robustness of well-made tiled rooves enables them to defy nature’s worst such as heavy downpours, high winds, snowfall or even hail stones. When you have a tile roof over your head then there is nothing to worry about because this part of your house is strong and durable enough to cope.

Acoustic Insulation: Noise Cancellation

If you want to create a calm and quiet environment in your conservatory, go for the tiled roof. Sound insulation is great with tiled roofs as they are solid structures. This minimises noise pollution from sources like traffic, aircrafts, or heavy rain especially if you want to use your conservatory as a home office, a relaxation room, or a place for entertaining guests.

Polycarbonate roofs are not very soundproof when compared to other solutions. Polycarbonate is lightweight and hence sound waves can easily travel through it giving rise to an un-peaceful atmosphere in your conservatory.

A completely new look for your old conservatory

Here at Smart Conservatory Solutions, we are focused on delivering high-quality tailored-roofed conservatories that perfectly suit your needs and preferences. Our professionals work together with you to ensure that the tile system installed exceeds all expectations thus making the place more beautiful and functional than ever before. Considering our knowledge and our ultimate aim to make clients happy, Smart Conservatory Solutions is the best option if you want a tiled conservatory roof that has good insulation, beautiful appearance, long-lastingness, and is soundproof.

Kindly make an appointment with us for consultation as we embark on the process of giving your conservatory a smart touch.






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