Covid 19 Update
We again thank all clients with projects pending for their understanding, patience and kind messages of support for our team during these exceptional times. Likewise those many new enquiring potential clients over the last few weeks currently awaiting surveys.
Following the UK Government announcement of April 16th we continue to act responsibly in ensuring client and colleague safety. Therefore all physical operations (installations and surveys etc) remain suspended until current restrictions are lifted.
Our fair for all policy of preserving project commencement notional dates remains in place. For example, if your project were due to start on March 25th, your project remains first in our schedule.
Our office operations remain open albeit via remote working, so may be subject to slight delays in dealing with communications. But we continue to work hard in reacting as rapidly as possible. With thanks to Adam, Jamie and Ian
If your project is pending please email Jamie on
New enquiries please click here; /quick-quote, email or call Adam on 07543 183466.
For post completion or any other matters at all, please contact Ian via either of the above email addresses or phone; 07704 077568.
Additionally we take this opportunity to thank all clients (projects completed and new) who remain in post as key workers. Also thanks to our colleagues who having this temporary spare time available, been actively volunteering within their own communities. We are pleased to have placed company assets and resources at their disposal to assist wherever possible.
Following the announcement by the UK Prime Minister on the evening of March 23rd we are complying with the spirit and letter of that announcement.  This in the best interests of all our clients and colleagues.
Existing Clients
For all clients with projects in hand we will be ensuring those projects are completed to the point of being weathertight and structural integrity ensured.  
Otherwise all new and other installation aspects will be suspended until restrictions are lifted and we can recommence operating in a safe and responsible manner to our usual high standards.
We will be contacting all clients individually within the course of the next few days to advise further. But for the time being all suspended projects will preserve their chronological place in our schedule.  For example, if your project was due to start tomorrow (March 25th), but Government restrictions remain in place for 3 weeks, your project will now start in 3 weeks time (circa April 15th).  This we feel is fairest for all clients, given these highly unusual circumstances beyond our control.
New Client Enquiries
Our survey teams are also standing down until Government restrictions are lifted. 
However, both our office and survey team colleagues will all be working remotely. Therefore, we will be responding to all new enquiries via phone and email. Wherever possible we will be providing estimates also by phone and email, though of course unable to arrange physical survey appointments for the time being.
We will be constantly monitoring developments and advising our clients as soon as possible when any changes occur.
In the meantime, we would take this opportunity to thank all clients for their patience during these exceptional times.  We deeply regret any disappointment caused by the postponement of installations.
We will return to delivering your projects to our usual high professional standards and highest levels of client satisfaction at the very earliest opportunity.  In the meantime offer our sincere best wishes to everyone in their individual and family circumstances.
For any urgent matters please call 01604 713335. For estimates click our Get a Quick Quote! tab (just below on right of page), any other enquiries via email to  All of these and a contact form are available via the Contact Us page.

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